Handball Shooting Drills

The Cross Pass Shot

Create 2 lines of players in front of the goal and have a goalkeeper ready, one line are shooters and the other are passers. The drill starts by having a player in each line move toward the goal at the same time and have the passer feed the ball directly to the shooter and then attempts to score passed the goalkeeper. The cross pass indicates that the ball is passed onto the other side of the goalkeeper's direction hindering their view slightly. This is a great shooting drill as it’s very fast paced and used in real pro matches. 

Variations include:
  • Increasing number of passes before making a shot at goal
  • Add a defender to try and intercept the ball when making a pass
  • Increasing the distance away from the goal to try long range shooting.

Long distance shot

Have 2 lines of players facing away from goal and have a feeder placed in the center of those lines and a player from each line with run towards goal, taking turns and receive a pass from the feeder and make an immediate shot at goal, the player then returns to the back of the opposite line and will repeat the shooting drill. Players should stand anywhere between 5 – 10 meters away from goal and should leap with their strong foot and take a shot. Variations can include; having a defender try to block your shot, make multiple passes first before taking a shot, compete with the other line to see how many goals they can score.

No goalkeeper shooting

A beginner drill that even pros can still train with, simply have an empty goal and take stationary shots at goal from about 6 meters away and try to score as many as you can in 1 minute or 20 shots. This handball shooting drill is very flexible as you can take side shots, far shots, close shots or even add in a goalkeeper to increase the difficulty. The main objective is to score all shots consistently as accuracy and power is what scores goals in this sport.

Hit the wall shot

This is a great exercise for improving shooting accuracy, to prepare the drill place a target on the wall or draw a circle using a marker and stand roughly 4 meters away and attempt to make shots hitting the target you have made. You can practice multiple shots such as moving shots, stationary shots and jump shots. This training drill should last about 2 minutes or 40 shots. You can mix it up by having a defender try and block the shot or intercept in, have a feeder passing you the ball before shooting or standing further away from your target.

The Long Pass Shot

Have one line of players standing at the halfway line facing the goal and have a feeder behind them throwing them a long range pass towards the goal, the objective is to sprint to receive the pass and then take an immediate shot at goal, the shot they take is up to them but it has to as soon as they receive the ball. This is a great handball shooting drill to improve reactions and decision making as the player must know what type of shot would be best to make as soon as the ball is received. This training drill has great variety as you can add in defenders to try and block the pass and have multiple lines attempt this at the same time and change this as a goalkeeper drill.


These are some of the best shooting drill in 2019, they are also more effective than most drills because it trains all the players involved at once, whether they are improving the shooting, passing or goalkeeping skills. These are also fun handball drills which makes them the most relevant for new or beginner players to start training.

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